A covenant is a type of contract in which the covenantor makes a promise to a covenantee.
A covenant is distinguished from an ordinary contract by the presence of a seal. The presence of a seal indicates an unusual solemnity in the promises made in a covenant. THE COVENANT IS WITH THE LIVING-WORD FOR THE LOVING KINDNESS OF THE PEOPLE AND FOR THEIR OPENNESS OF HEARTS THAT THEY CALL ON THE TRUTH OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR-THE-SHARING-AND-FOR-THE-PARTAKING OF THE ABUNDANCE, WELLNESS AND WEALTH FOR ALL. The Covenant is with the Forgive-ness from and with the Divine Consciousness. This Covenant applies to the formal promise that is made under oath with the I-Am that I-Am – The Covenantor. It is an agreement in which the name actually uses the term ‘covenant’ and it is binding for all time. The Covenant through the MERCANTILISM – is FROM THE BOOK OF THE LIVING FOR THE LIVING WHO CHOOSE. This is with the BOOK OF THE LIVING AS THE CONVENANTS OLD AND NEW. Covenants for title are covenants which come with a title to the property that is the evidence of the right of ownership. The covenantor (grantor) of the title makes certain guarantees to the covenantee (grantee). This is how the I-Am spells forgive-ness and healing, C-o-v-e-n-a-n-t and is with the final payment of all the debts, debt notes. The title Covenant(s) is (are) WITH THE JOINDER TO ALL OF THE ORDERS through the trustee(s) that are living-flesh-and blood-sentient-man and woman and with the I-Am-that-I-Am therefore I am. The trustees of the Covenant(s) transfer and exchange with the Treasury through the Covenant(s) the draft Redeemable Registered Guarantee Certificate (Guarantees) for-the-sharing-and-for-the-partaking of the abundance, wellness and wealth. The Trustee(s) with the Treasury processes the guarantees through the Risk Registry(ies) and this becomes the key that is the treasure for the Forgive-ness from and with the Divine Consciousness. THE COVENANT‘S GUARANTEES ARE PROCESSED TO BE A TRUE PERSONAL PROPERTY AND ARE FOR-THE-SHARING-AND-FOR-THE-PARTAKING OF THE ABUNDANCE, WELLNESS AND WEALTH. BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY AND WITH REFERENCE TO ALL OTHER DICTIONARIES: CONVENANT, GUARANTEED ONE WAY CONTRACT AND IRREVOCABLE. OLD BY WORK AND NEW BY GRACE. FIRST IN TIME AND FIRST IN LINE: PRIVILIGIUM, SCRIPTA OBLIGATORIUM, APOGRAPHO, FIDES, COLLATERAL PROVIDED FOR THE VALUE, THE TRUE SUBSTANCE-IN-FACT, NOW THE SUPERCEDEAS OVER ALL PROCEEDINGS AND WITH THE PERFECTION AND FOR THE PERFECTING WITH LOVE AND PEACE FOR ALL. THANK YOU! |